Actually WRONG!!! Would you believe they ended up taking that brazen serpent and making a god out of it? Yeah, they offered incense to it and worshiped the thing (2 Kings 18:4). Now what exactly went through those people's minds? It's crazy, but then you really have to step back and think about it...
We do the same thing all the time...Just look at the history of the progressive revelation of truth throughout the ages. First, Martin Luther came out of Catholicism and was able to return to more Biblical truth. But he didn't continue on. Instead, he took the truth that was right and good and made a god out of it instead of letting it lead him into further and deeper understanding and revelation...
It goes on throughout history. Men were led of God to a point, but then the buried their stakes in the ground and established a "structure" around the revelation given them instead of continuing to allow God to lead them further and further into fullness of truth.
We MUST NOT allow ourselves to get bogged down in the traditions of men, but rather be thankful for everything we've been given and we've received of God, but at the same time we must always be ready for God to lead us into more and more understanding, knowledge and revelation of HIM....
Lead me on Jesus, lead me on...