Adam and Eve learned, as we often do today, that the only thing necessary to reap the wages of sin is simple disobedience to God. The Bible tells us that because of one man's disobedience we were made sinners (Rom 5:19).
But that's not the end of the story. Thank God for His mercy and grace. In His divine love, and infinite foreknowledge, He planned for a way to bridge that gulf created by the fall of man. He came to earth, robed in humanity (I Tim 3:16), and because of the obedience of that man (Rom 5:19 & Phil 2:8), the man Christ Jesus, we can now reunite with

Jesus, stretched out on the cross, cried out, "It is finished" (Jn 19:30), and allowed for the construction of a bridge by which man and God could be reconciled and commune once again. Sin began at a tree, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, but it was conquered at a tree as well, that tree was precious Calvary!!!
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