Yet, they'll do it all over again the next day, the next week, the next month, over and over again because they know the fish are out there, but "maybe they just weren't biting today."
What if we had the same attitude about souls? What if we would launch out into the deep (Luke 5:4) at God's word, and not worry whether the outcome is everything we'd hoped? After all, our job isn't to MAKE people come to church, involve themselves in a Bible study, or save a soul. No, no, no, our job is to bait the hook, toss the line, and fish for men...
I think it's time for more of us to take on the mentality of Jesus Christ--everything He did was to try and reach the lost. Whether He was healing someone of blindness, casting out a demon, or feeding thousands of people miraculously, His purpose was to win the lost...
It's time for more of us to be............fisher's of men!!!
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