Song of Solomon 2:15 states, Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes.
Now most of us have heard this scripture preached on and taught on, and we understand that for the most part, it's those little things that go unnoticed that can bring us down.
It's kind of like the frog: throw him into boiling hot water and he'll immediately jump out, but slowly turn it up while he's already sitting in some lukewarm water and he'll sit there until he's cooked...
Or maybe it's like the great Sequoia's of northern California; they can weather the fiercest of storms, but fall prey to the tiniest of foes--the termite...
Still, the scripture in Solomon goes deeper. First, it says our vines have tender grapes. Truly, our lives and our souls are tender when you really think about it. There are so many things out there that can affect us, so we have to guard ourselves with fervor. Second, there's no indication that the foxes would intentionally harm the vines. They're just after some food, the grapes, but in there effort to just do what's natural for them, they'd destroy the vine altogether...
So we can see that we need to watch out for not only those things that would come against us to destroy us, but also against those things that might creep in unawares, with no intent to do damage, but that may end up causing our tender vines to become spoiled.
Apply it in YOUR OWN situation. That relationship that's keeping you from being where you need to be in God, that job that's dragging you down, the entertainment that you thought you had under control, that attitude you know's there but haven't had time to tackle, that temptation, that weight, etc...
God has given us power in the Holy Ghost to be overcomers!!! Let's not slay the giant only to succumb to the flesh during our time of war. Let's lay aside the sin and the weights and run this race all the way to the finish!!!
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