It's amazing that so many religions are built upon extraordinary individuals who lived and impacted the world around them, then died; their followers continue in their footsteps, establishing whole "religions" devoted to carrying on the teachings of the founder. Men like Buddha, Confucius, and Mohammad, all had a tremendous affect on those around them, and still we see the aftereffects of there lives. Yet, each of them lived and died, and in reality, that was that.
Not so with another important historical figure, a man whose teachings have filled the whole world as prophesied in Daniel chapter two, a man born of a virgin in a little town called Bethlehem, a man who lived, died, and was buried. He, and only He, rose again the third day by the power of the Father and lives today to oversee His glorious work. The cross is EMPTY, the tomb is EMPTY, and Jesus Christ reigns on the throne as the true and living God, the head of the church, which is His body in the earth!!!
What a price God paid to robe himself in flesh, taking on the form of man, Creator becoming as one of His creations, to redeem us from the stain and sting of sin and death. He lived out the gospel for us to follow after and established his kingdom here in this world. That's what Jesus meant when He said "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven" (Mt 6:10).

Truly, we serve a living God, and now, as His body in the earth, it's our job to live His kingdom. We need to be kingdom-minded (Mt 6:33), focused on impacting the world around us through good works, love, light, and truth...
So what is this thing that He established? What is this church of the living God spoken about in our opening scripture? Let's explore this in greater detail during this series, "The Church of the Living God"....
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