Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Serpents of Brass

So, the story goes something like this: children of Israel really tick God off (what else is new right?), He sends fiery serpents into the camp, Moses hears from God and makes a brass serpent, the serpent is risen in the camp, all who look on the serpent are healed, and everyone lives happily ever after. Right?

Actually WRONG!!! Would you believe they ended up taking that brazen serpent and making a god out of it? Yeah, they offered incense to it and worshiped the thing (2 Kings 18:4). Now what exactly went through those people's minds? It's crazy, but then you really have to step back and think about it...

We do the same thing all the time...Just look at the history of the progressive revelation of truth throughout the ages. First, Martin Luther came out of Catholicism and was able to return to more Biblical truth. But he didn't continue on. Instead, he took the truth that was right and good and made a god out of it instead of letting it lead him into further and deeper understanding and revelation...

It goes on throughout history. Men were led of God to a point, but then the buried their stakes in the ground and established a "structure" around the revelation given them instead of continuing to allow God to lead them further and further into fullness of truth.

We MUST NOT allow ourselves to get bogged down in the traditions of men, but rather be thankful for everything we've been given and we've received of God, but at the same time we must always be ready for God to lead us into more and more understanding, knowledge and revelation of HIM....

Lead me on Jesus, lead me on...

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Hide And Seek

Remember the good old days, running around the playground or house, not a care in the world, playing games and having a great time? There was always that kid who cheated when you played. He'd always be moving during Freeze Tag or peeking while folks hid when you played Hide and Seek...

Well, the whole thing really gets me thinking...Jesus really gave us a way to "peek" when it comes to our lives and the salvation that He's so graciously provided. Just look what Paul says in 2 Corinthians 4:3:

But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:

If the truth of God's Word and the saving power of the death, burial, and resurrection is hidden from anyone, it's from those that are lost...But through Jesus Christ, we can see the truth, after all, Jesus said it was His job "to seek and to save that which was lost." (Luke 19:10) Now we're able to understand we can't be saved without obeying the gospel through repentance, baptism in Jesus name, and the infilling of the Holy Ghost...

But let's look a little further...

John 9:5 - Jesus said as long as He's in the world, He's the light of the world

Matthew 5:14/Philippians 2:15 - Jesus and Paul both show the saints are the light of the world

The man, Christ Jesus, in bodily form is no longer in the world, but He remains in the world through the church, filled with His Spirit (the Holy Ghost), so now it's our job to be the light that finds people, shines the light of truth, and calls people out of darkness into His marvelous light!!!

Riding With Strangers

Hebrews 13:9 warns, "Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines." It's crazy how even while the apostles were still alive so many false doctrines, false Christs, and false teachings were running rampant. Paul warned of people teaching "another Jesus" in 2 Corinthians 11:4, as well as "another gospel" in the same verse and in Galatians 1.

With so many religions and denominations to choose from out there, it almost feels like we're in the buffet line at Morrison's. So how do we know who's right? After all, they vary in so many ways, it's IMPOSSIBLE that everyone's right...

The important thing to remember is to stay in the Word of God. The Bible is our benchmark and according to Ephesians 2:20, we're built on the foundation of the apostles, so their teachings are what should guide us.

But even that can be difficult, right? Even old Satan quoted scripture when tempting Jesus (see Matthew 4:6). And since the truth is not in him, we understand fully that even the Bible can be a lie when taken out of context or used in the wrong manner...So what's the answer?

2 Timothy 2:15 says to study while Ephesians 5:10 says to find out what pleases the Lord (NIV). Finally, Romans 10:14 asks how they can hear without a preacher...

God has given us the Word of God and His Spirit to lead and guide us; He's also provided godly men and women to help show us the way. The important thing is to never feel you've "arrived" and are unwilling to accept more of God. If the Bible says it, study it, look into it, and DO IT!!!

This is the only way we can truly decipher the truth among the tantalizing schmorgesborg of strange doctrines...

Friday, November 12, 2010


Be fruitful and multiply; it's the first thing God told man to do. It's the first thing He gave living creatures the ability to do (bring forth after their kind). It's the thing He expects every newborn babe in that enters the Kingdom of God to do...

No, I'm not talking about fulfilling some quota for population growth, at least not naturally, but rather I'm talking about Jesus' charge in Matthew 28:19 (NIV), "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations." Truly, God is all about multiplication...

The job of EVERY saint of God is to reach out to this lost and dying world and give them what we have. In fact Jesus said two things that underscore this point emphatically:

Hey said, "freely ye have received, freely give" in Matthew 10:8...

He instructed that "For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required" in Luke 12:48.

All throughout the scripture we see the apostles going into the world and making disciples, just look at the book of Acts, they were on fire!!! Look at the language Peter used in Acts 3:6 when the lame man was healed:

...such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.

First, we see it's important to have something to give, but we'll cover that at another time, but look what he did, he gave it away just as Jesus said in Matthew 10:8...

So take some time today, tomorrow, next week, and at every opportunity (Galatians 6:10) to reach out to this world and give Jesus away in prayers, blessings, and encouragement. You never know who that next DISCIPLE may be...

Monday, November 8, 2010

Heavy Sleepers

Okay, we all love sleep in some way, shape or form, but have you ever seen (or are you) the type of person who is a REAL sleeper, I'm talking the type that you need an air horn and ice water to wake up in the morning? I know one person who, while sleeping, had someone trip and fall on top of them and they still didn't wake up...Crazy...

But on the same token, there are so many people, good people who, in their own way love God, but they've slipped into a deep slumber...It's not really all that difficult; it can happen to anyone. The cares of life, just the day-to-day activities of work, family, school, etc..., can creep in and lull us into spiritual sleep sometimes. Mix that with the spirit of error that's enticed many people into very appealing, yet false doctrine, and viola!!! You have a bunch of sleepwalkers.

But Ephesians 5:13-15 warns us:

But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light. Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,

The apostle warns us here to awake out of our sleep (which is really leading to spiritual death)...And then he says to walk not as fools but in wisdom...

That's really what it takes to live for God, walking in wisdom, soberly as I Peter 5:8 tells us...So stop hitting that spiritual snooze button, awake, arise, and let your soul LIVE!!!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Little Foxes

We've all heard the phrase, "big things come in small packages," and most of us are aware that sometimes it's the little things that can really stack up, for better or worse, and end up having an enormous impact...

Song of Solomon 2:15 states, Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes.

Now most of us have heard this scripture preached on and taught on, and we understand that for the most part, it's those little things that go unnoticed that can bring us down.

It's kind of like the frog: throw him into boiling hot water and he'll immediately jump out, but slowly turn it up while he's already sitting in some lukewarm water and he'll sit there until he's cooked...

Or maybe it's like the great Sequoia's of northern California; they can weather the fiercest of storms, but fall prey to the tiniest of foes--the termite...

Still, the scripture in Solomon goes deeper. First, it says our vines have tender grapes. Truly, our lives and our souls are tender when you really think about it. There are so many things out there that can affect us, so we have to guard ourselves with fervor. Second, there's no indication that the foxes would intentionally harm the vines. They're just after some food, the grapes, but in there effort to just do what's natural for them, they'd destroy the vine altogether...

So we can see that we need to watch out for not only those things that would come against us to destroy us, but also against those things that might creep in unawares, with no intent to do damage, but that may end up causing our tender vines to become spoiled.

Apply it in YOUR OWN situation. That relationship that's keeping you from being where you need to be in God, that job that's dragging you down, the entertainment that you thought you had under control, that attitude you know's there but haven't had time to tackle, that temptation, that weight, etc...

God has given us power in the Holy Ghost to be overcomers!!! Let's not slay the giant only to succumb to the flesh during our time of war. Let's lay aside the sin and the weights and run this race all the way to the finish!!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Ignore The Circumstantial Evidence

The Bible tells us in Hebrews 12:2, "looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith;" that's how we are to run this race we're in. However, at times there are those "issues" in life, be it financial, familial, medical, or otherwise, that intrude and distract. But Jesus Christ has given us a remedy, Himself.

When Peter began to sink into the sea (Matthew 14:30), it was because He started to look at the evidence around him, telling him he was crazy for stepping out of the boat. The wind and the waves were matters of circumstance that distracted him from Jesus Christ. That's when he started to fall.

Could it be that we face the same test? When problems arise, it's not that we should ignore them and pretend they're not there, but we should NEVER lose our focus, we should never lose our relationship with Jesus Christ. Rather, we should cling to Him all the more and He will see us through the circumstances of life.

The psalmist wrote, "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber." (Psalm 121:1-3).

Keep your eyes on Jesus, and ignore the circumstantial evidence, His witness is true and He will see you through!!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Don't Quit Your Day Job

John 9:4 says, I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. Jesus has put us in this world for a purpose, He saved us through the gospel, the death, burial, and resurrection, but when we are saved through repentance, baptism in Jesus name, and the infilling of the Holy Ghost, we aren't immediately translated to glory...Why not?

Because we become Jesus' hands and feet in this world. It's up to us to accomplish His purpose, to seek and save that which was lost (Luke 19:10). But let's be honest, sometimes life can get a hold on us, the day to day routine can sink in and we find ourselves losing focus or falling out of touch with our purpose...

That's why the Bible warns us, And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. (Galatians 6:9). Don't quit, don't give up, don't give in. Not only does your soul depend on it, but there's a lost, hurting, and dying world that's depending on you too!!!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Overcoming The Wilderness

Ever been through a trying time? Ever walked through a valley that seemed to go down and down forever or been tested to the point where you thought you couldn't handle it any more? Ever felt as though the weight of the world was on your shoulders like a rising tsunami about to crush you?

Don't give up hope or loose out with God during those dry, lonely times, it's just test of the wilderness!!!

You see, when Israel came out of Egypt, they were purged, tested, and tried in the wilderness for 40 years before moving into the land God promised. There was a lot of cleansing and fashioning that had to happen...

Likewise, before Jesus was fully launched into His earthly ministry, He fasted 40 days in the wilderness, and was tried and tested by Satan himself!!!

I Corinthians 10:11 says, Now all these things happened unto them for examples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.

We have a scriptural example we can follow to understand what's really happening when we find ourselves in the wilderness. During those difficult times, that's the opportunity to weather the storm and see if you're really built on the Rock (see
Matthew 7:24-27), and when you pass through the test, you'll come out as fine gold, tried by fire!!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Gone Fishin'......For Men

Pastor Jason Varnum preached a passionate message on Sunday morning and it really got me thinking. Have you ever talked to people that fish? Have you ever been fishing yourself? It's amazing what people will do sometimes, just to "have a good time." Get up at the crack of dawn, load up with tackle, bait, rods, etc..., get the equipment and boat out on the water, fish for hours at a time, and sometimes have nothing to show for it but a dirty boat, a stomach full of half-eaten snacks, and a sunburn...

Yet, they'll do it all over again the next day, the next week, the next month, over and over again because they know the fish are out there, but "maybe they just weren't biting today."

What if we had the same attitude about souls? What if we would launch out into the deep (
Luke 5:4) at God's word, and not worry whether the outcome is everything we'd hoped? After all, our job isn't to MAKE people come to church, involve themselves in a Bible study, or save a soul. No, no, no, our job is to bait the hook, toss the line, and fish for men...

I think it's time for more of us to take on the mentality of Jesus Christ--everything He did was to try and reach the lost. Whether He was healing someone of blindness, casting out a demon, or feeding thousands of people miraculously, His purpose was to win the lost...

It's time for more of us to be............fisher's of men!!!

Friday, July 23, 2010

The Comeback

Irony has a very special place in the realm of literature, poetry, and even in the realm of television and film-making, but nothing is quite so amazing as some of the incredible instances in the Bible, the ironic turnarounds that God orchestrates for His people...Over and over again, throughout historical accounts in the Word of God, the seemingly inevitable plight of the children of God had a way of turning into great victory (can anyone say, "Red Sea crossing?").

The story of Esther is no exception, in fact, it's one of the most elaborate instances of a great comeback of all time.

Haman couldn't stand the fact that Mordecai wouldn't bow to him and pay him homage, even though the entire rest of the kingdom did so. He got focused on the one "problem" and decided to do something about it. He planned not only to kill Mordecai himself, but also to annihilate all the Jews in the land. During the ordeal, Haman boasted greatly about three things in particular: his riches, his children, and is position in the kingdom (Esther 5:11).

But it was all downhill from there. Over the next three chapters, Haman's estate was given to Esther, his sons were all killed, and his position was given to Mordecai. To top it all off, Haman himself was hanged on a gallows that he had just built to hang Mordecai.

Talk about a comeback!!! If God can work it out for Mordecai, Esther, and the Jews in this account, He can work it out for you. Hang in there and don't lose your faith. Stay true to God's Word and in love with Jesus and He'll bring you through victorious!!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Diplomatic Immunity

It's such a great feeling to know that as children of God, as ambassadors of Jesus Christ (2 Cor 5:20), we are able to walk in freedom and liberty in this world. 2 Corinthians 3:17 tells us where God's Spirit is, there is liberty, and Romans 8:2 tells us we're free from the law of sin and death.

So, in effect, our ambassadorship gives us diplomatic immunity here in this world. When we walk in the Spirit, we don't have to fulfill the desires of our human "rules of engagement," according to Galatians 5:16. We're free, traversing this land as pilgrims and strangers because, in the end, this place is not out home (1 Peter 2:11).

So live for God strong, live in the freedom and liberty His Spirit provides, deny your flesh and human way of thinking, and claim your place as an ambassador for Jesus Christ!!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

What's Behind Door Number 2?

Isn't it funny, in a cynical, somber, not-so-funny-at-all kind of way, how we so often ask for God's will or seek godly counsel, only to turn around and reject it for something else altogether? Well, the fact is sometimes it's difficult for God to overcome the herculean strength of man's will.

Just look in Jeremiah 42:1 - 43:7...

Here we find the account of Azariah, Johanan, and a remnant of Judah, left behind after king Nebuchadnezzar conquered them. They ask Jeremiah to seek the will of God to see whether they should stay in the land or go into Egypt. Jeremiah comes back and tells them God wants them to stay. They accuse Jeremiah of lying and subsequently go into Egypt anyway.

Of course, Egypt is consistently a type or allegorical representation of the world. So often we pay lip-service to desiring God's will, but really we want someone to confirm that the plans we have for ourselves are the way to go. When it doesn't happen, we rationalize and justify our actions so that we can feel somewhat good, even though we know deep down we're resisting God.

Let's challenge ourselves to pray and seek God objectively. Let's seek to pray the prayer that Jesus prayed in the garden before He faced the cross: "not my will, but thine be done" (Luke 22:42).

After all, when we examine the lives of the people of God during the time of Jeremiah, we clearly see that God's plans for us are for good and not for evil, He loves us with undying love and will set us on the path that is best for us!!!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Rejected Silver

Pure silver, refined to it's fullest, is a beautiful thing, not to mention valuable, and really the idea behind the process is quite basic: take silver and remove all the impurities. However, sometimes the silver refuses to "let go" of these impurities, no matter how hot the fire, so it becomes labeled as rejected silver and is tossed aside. We, as Christians are to be purified by God's refining process (I Peter 1:7), but all too often, we refuse to let go of the impurities.

Jeremiah 6:16-21 describes people in this wholly undesirable state, telling us that they rejected the direction of the Lord, refused to hearken to the watchmen placed in their lives, and turned away from God's Word and laws. So, later in the chapter, the prophet states, "They are called rejected silver, because the LORD has rejected them." (Jer 6:31, NIV).

Even though these people still offered "sacrifices" to God, they were not what God truly wanted. He doesn't desire sacrifice more than obedience to His Word (I Sam 15:22), and too often we want to give Him what we want to sacrifice rather than what He wants us to sacrifice, and that's exactly what they were doing.

Oh, what a tragedy for those who've allowed themselves to get to the place where God can't speak to them through His Word...But it doesn't have to be that way; He has given us hope:

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. (I Chr 7:14)

Humbling ourselves in the sight of God (I Peter 5:6), and obeying His Word (John 14:5), will set us on the right track, on our way to being blessed by Him once again!!! I don't want to be rejected silver, I want to be a vessel of honor (2 Tim 2:21), useful for His service!!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Power In The Name

Why does Colossians 3:17 tell us that no matter what we do in word or in deed we should do ALL in the name of Jesus? Why is the Bible so cristocentric, or Jesus-only, as some people say? Have you ever wondered what's so special about that name?

The Bible teaches us that all power in Heaven and Earth was given to Jesus Christ (Mat 28:18), so invoking the name of Jesus Christ calls upon all the authority vested in the name. Acts 4:12 teaches us that Jesus is the only saving name, and Philippians 2:10-11 shows that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess at the name of Jesus. Finally, Mark 16:17-18 speaks of the mighty works that believers will do in Jesus name.

But why this persistent focus on Jesus? What about the Father? What about the Holy Ghost? It seems they get pushed to the shadows and Jesus gets to soak up all the limelight doesn't it?

Actually, the confusion comes because people don't realize who Jesus truly is. Let's look at what He said about Himself:

1) I and my Father are one. (Jn 10:30)
2) ...he that hath seen me hath seen the Father... (Jn 14:9)
3) I am come in my Father's name... (Jn 5:43; see also Heb 1:4)
4) I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you (Jn 14:18)
5) the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name... (Jn 14:26)

The list truly goes on and on........and on........and on.....But the focus here is on the words that Jesus specifically used when describing His relationship within the Godhead (Father, Son, & Holy Ghost) and the attachment of His name to the Godhead.

Notice that Jesus is the name of the Father (Jn 5:43) as well as the Son (do we really need to go there). Additionally, Jn 14:26 emphasizes that the Holy Ghost is sent in the name of Jesus...

So the reason to be so focused on Jesus name is because when you call that name, you are actually calling on the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; they are one and the same, and thus, all have the one and selfsame name!!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Knowledge Is Power

Ever heard that old adage, "knowledge is power?" It just seems so cliché sometimes, right? But when you actually sit down and study scripture, it's evident that knowledge truly is power. Yup, in fact God puts a high premium on knowledge...

The opening of the book of Proverbs lists one of its purposes as "[to give] the young man knowledge and discretion." God wants his people to be knowledgeable in His ways, wise to spiritual things. Just look at what Paul says:

...I would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil (Rom 16:19).

So there are some things we should be "ignorant" of, but other things where God expects us to grow. In fact, according to the Bible, we can't even begin gaining knowledge without a fear and respect of God (Prov 1:7).

God even took it a step further and said that His people were destroyed and rejected because of their lack of knowledge (Hos 4:6).

So the answer is to get our noses into the Word of God. Study, ready, consider, and apply God's Word to our lives. Additionally, we MUST NOT discount the effect and need for good teachers and preachers in our lives who can assist us as we learn and grow in knowledge...

Here are a few additional scriptures that may incite some to gain this valuable commodity:

Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices. (2 Cor 2:11)

...but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. (Daniel 11:32)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Eyes on the Prize

Dear child and saint of the Most High, whether brand new to the things of God or a seasoned veteran in the Word and Spirit, hear this brief word of encouragement--keep your eyes on the prize!!!

All too often we allow our circumstances and situation to predicate our spiritual condition. Not that it's always because of negative conditions, rather, sometimes simple "life" can cause us to lose our focus.

But we are warned in Proverbs 29:18 that without vision, the people perish. Likewise, Jesus warned adamantly against putting our hand to the plow and looking back (Luke 9:62) and Paul said we don't focus our attention on the temporal but the eternal (2 Corinthians 4:18).

Yet, in living our lives each and every day it's often difficult to keep our focus where it needs to be. The world and our natural, carnal mind have a way of "lulling us to sleep" as it were, and in so doing our eyes start to waiver, just like Peter's did when he was walking on the water toward Jesus. What happened to him? He starting looking at his surroundings and lost sight of Jesus (see Matthew 14:25-31).

So we need to keep our relationship with Jesus Christ fresh and vibrant. Anyone that tells you that task can not be daunting at times is doctrinally incorrect, and often in danger, because once that feeling comes on them, or once they go through a dry place, they may fall away.

How do we keep it alive? How do we continue to look to Jesus, as the writer of Hebrews says (Hebrews 12:2)?

The answer is through our relationship with Him. We must pray EVERY DAY, whether we FEEL like it or not. We must get ourselves in the Word of God EVERY DAY, whether we FEEL like it or not. We must get around the people of God (Bible study, church, fellowship, etc...) consistently, not hit and miss here and there. In doing so, we can keep our love for Him alive and fresh, thereby preserving our focus and keeping it in the right place and on the right things...

Relationship with Jesus Christ is the ONLY thing that will truly keep us. Without it, the spiritual high and hype of a great Sunday service (which we need) will wear off, and eventually we'll find ourselves cold and indifferent. But a true love relationship with our wonderful Savior will save us, keep us, and deliver us....Keep your eyes on the prize!!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

It Began and Ended at a Tree

Long ago, at the foot of a tree, a man disobeyed God. Because of his choice, sin entered into the world and a great divide was formed, a schism separating mankind from the glorious presence of Almighty God...

Adam and Eve learned, as we often do today, that the only thing necessary to reap the wages of sin is simple disobedience to God. The Bible tells us that because of one man's disobedience we were made sinners (Rom 5:19).

But that's not the end of the story. Thank God for His mercy and grace. In His divine love, and infinite foreknowledge, He planned for a way to bridge that gulf created by the fall of man. He came to earth, robed in humanity (I Tim 3:16), and because of the obedience of that man (Rom 5:19 & Phil 2:8), the man Christ Jesus, we can now reunite with the lover of our souls and walk in relationship with Him.

Jesus, stretched out on the cross, cried out, "It is finished" (Jn 19:30), and allowed for the construction of a bridge by which man and God could be reconciled and commune once again. Sin began at a tree, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, but it was conquered at a tree as well, that tree was precious Calvary!!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Who's Side Are You On Anyway?

Have you ever tried to objectively referee an argument, and after you offer some advice or council somebody asks, "who's side are you on?" Well, would you believe that unlike that situation, where you could be neutral, Jesus said there's no such thing as neutral.

Matthew 12:30 -
He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.

That's pretty intense!!! This is literally telling us that if we're not seeking after God and putting our shoulder to the plow for the kingdom, that Jesus considers you against Him...

I don't know about you, but I want to be with Jesus, not against Him. A closer look at the Word of God confirms that this has been God's position all along. He's never really seen a "neutral" position.

Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, Who is on the LORD's side? let him come unto me. (Exodus 32:26)

Joshua: ...choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve...But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD. (Joshua 24:15)

Paul: Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others. (Ephesians 2:3)

So strictly speaking, "God just don't play." You're either on His team or you're working against Him. If you say, "well, I'm just gonna do my own thing" and think you're not affecting or hurting anyone else, THINK AGAIN. The Bible says if you're not with Jesus, you're against Him.

And don't forget, even though the Bible speaks of multitudes in the valley of decision (Joel 3:14) remember that if we've not made the choice to be with Jesus, we're against Him...

Stop waiting!!! Get on the winning team (because we know the church is triumphant), dig in, plug in, go deep, and set this world on fire for the Kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ!!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What Are You Waiting For?

Have you ever wondered what went through Lot's thick skull? What was his problem? He sat in the middle of the worst circumstances imaginable, dawdled and dilly-dallied until it took a literal act of God to get him moving, and because of his inaction, his family ended up wrecked beyond repair. Why? What exactly was he waiting for?

You see, Lot didn't have to end up that way. He walked with Abraham according to Genesis 12:4-5, but when it came time to make a choice for himself, he leaned toward Sodom and Gomorrah because it was like the land of Egypt (Gen 13:10). Without getting too abstruse or abstract, just remember that Egypt is a type of the world all throughout the Bible. So it's safe to say that Lot decided to lean toward the world and worldliness rather than stay in the presence of God and his people. He made a decision to take his family away from the things of God.

One thing that's perplexing about Lot is found in 2 Peter 2:8: (For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds;)

Honestly, this scripture lets us know that Lot KNEW the issues and problems of the choice he'd made and hated what was going on around him, yet he DID NOTHING ABOUT IT. What was he waiting for?

You probably know the story; in the end, his wife ended up dead (turned into a pillar of salt), his daughters had incestuous relations with him, his family was completed destroyed, and Moab and Benammi (the boys born of the incidents with his daughters) ended up being a thorn in the side of the people of God.

All this came about because Lot made a terrible decision to live in Sodom and Gomorrah, and then waited until it was too late to get out. What would have happened if he'd not made the choice to follow after the things of the world, or even still, while his daughters were still toddlers, what if he would have prayed through and got his family out before the mindset of the world had taken hold? Who knows. All we know is what did happen.

So let's ask ourselves today, "what are we waiting for?"

Saint of God, you want more of Him, you want to be used, you want to impact your world. What are you waiting for?

Backslider, you know Jesus is there, arms opened wide, ready to take you back into the fold. You know the church is praying and fasting and waiting for your return. What are you waiting for?

You who don't know God, or you don't know Him in fullness of truth, but you feel that tug at your soul, you feel that there's more to life than what you have right now. There's an inexplicable emptiness deep down inside that gnaws at you in the night. What are you waiting for?

Let's learn from the account of Lot and his family. Let's act before it's too late. Let's stop waiting and turn wholeheartedly to God. Forget about the unknown, forget about how comfortable it may be in your familiar surroundings, forget about the things of this world that pull at you. Let's stop waiting and plug into God. Let's launch into the deep and see how far He'll take us!!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Miraculous Middle Man

Job, during his time of trial and hardship, sought for a mediator that could bring God and him together to reconcile what was happening (see Job 9:33 & 16:21). As it turns out, no such mediator came to deliver Job out of his plight.

But we read in 1 Timothy 2:5: For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;

Jesus Christ stepped into the gap to fill the role as mediator for us. God robed himself in human flesh (1 Tim 3:16) just so He could become the middle man, taking upon Himself the sin of the entire world (Jn 1:29).

Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not:" (Luke 22:32).

Jesus Christ is ALWAYS there to step onto the scene and deliver us...

When the Devil accuses us, Jesus is there - Rev 12:10
When the enemy rushes in, Jesus is there - Isa 59:19
When the world has had its way in us, Jesus is there - 1 Cor 6:11
When our own heart condemns us, Jesus is there - 1 Jn 3:20

Finally, we read in Ephesians 2:1-7 that though we were dead in trespasses and sins, following the world and our souls' enemy to destruction, Jesus stepped on the scene yet again. By His rich and endless love He wedged Himself between us and the looming judgment set before us, bringing us to life again through grace and by His great salvation...

Thanks you JESUS for being our mediator, thank you for being the Miraculous Middle Man!!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Men & Women of God

As it turns out, there's no mystical, magical method to becoming or being a man or woman of God. Anyone who wants to enter the kingdom of God can do so, according to scriptures like John 3:16 and Romans 10:13. Unfortunately, many people miss the point of these verses and use them to try and explain HOW to be saved rather than WHO can be saved. However, through these passages it's clear that salvation is to everyone.

But beyond salvation, the Bible lets us know there is no partiality or respect of persons with God (see Romans 2:11). This means anyone and everyone can be mightily used of God. In fact, Paul, in I Corinthians 12:31, tells us to "covet earnestly the best gifts" during his discourse on the various gifts of the spirit. God uses ordinary men and women who are willing to step up to the plate, sacrifice, consecrate, and do His will...

Let's look at one example: a prophet named Elijah.

James 5:17-18 - Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit.

This scripture is telling us that the great prophet Elijah was just like you and me. He had desires, doubts, troubles, questions, issues, etc... Yet, he was incredibly used of God. Just look at one time in his life when he was feeling particularly low:

1 Kings 19:4,14 - ...he requested for himself that he might die; and said, It is enough; now, O Lord, take away my life; for I am not better than my fathers...I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away.

Elijah's attitude changed after he got into the presence of the Lord, much the same way David's did when he said, "my steps had well nigh slipped" in Psalm 73. But when he got into God's presence, he understood and his heart and thinking were cleansed...

If you desire to be used of God, don't wait until you get all your "ducks in a row." Chances are there will always be some excuse why you can't be used of God. Rather, start praying, studying God's Word, fasting, plugging into fellowship, church, worship, and Bible studies. Begin to let yourself be used as God sees fit.

God uses ordinary men and women to accomplish His purpose in this World. We, the church, are the body, according to Colossians 1:18, so let's get mobilized!!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Divine Nosedive

To truly be effective as Christians, we've got to get everything out of the way and put Jesus Christ first in our lives...

I Samuel 5:3-4 - And when they of Ashdod arose early on the morrow, behold, Dagon was fallen upon his face to the earth before the ark of the LORD. And they took Dagon, and set him in his place again. 4And when they arose early on the morrow morning, behold, Dagon was fallen upon his face to the ground before the ark of the LORD; and the head of Dagon and both the palms of his hands were cut off upon the threshold; only the stump of Dagon was left to him.

A very interesting account indeed. Look at the power that this idol had when put into proximity with God--absolutely none. In fact, first the idol fell down, and, get this now, they had to pick their own "god" up and set it back where it had fallen from. Next, the power of God destroyed the idol by cutting off its head and its hands, leaving it without authority or power.

Now, we may not have idols made of wood, stone, gold, or silver propped up on the fireplace of our homes next to our kids' graduation pictures or on the mantle by those Christmas picture-cards we get every year, but we often do prop up idols in our hearts and minds.

Idolatry is simply putting anything before God in our lives. That doesn't have to be some figurine we bow down to, but can be something innocuous such as a job, a relationship, etc...In fact, the greatest form of idolatry is self-worship, putting ourselves before God. That, unfortunately isn't all that difficult to do...

But as with Dagon, the answer lies in the power of God. Through His Spirit and our own determination and effort, we can break down the idols in our lives, just as Gideon tore down the idol of Baal in Judges 6:25-31. Those things we put into God's position as first in our lives can be taken away, but it takes effort on our part.

II Corinthians 10:4-5 - (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 5Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

Take this as a challenge. Look at the thing that is most difficult to give to God and start telling that thing "no." Maybe it's hard to be faithful to the house of God, maybe you know you should be attending that fellowship group or Bible study group, perhaps your job is taking a little too much focus or there may be some friends whom you know you should pull away from in order to get close to God. Whatever the case, start giving that thing to God, start tearing down those things and watch them take a nosedive from their high place in your life. Then, put Jesus Christ in that place of high authority in your life and watch the incredible results that ensue!!!